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Build flows and apps that create a strong password in Microsoft Power Platform and other automation platforms.
The “Generate Password” action creates a strong password that can include special characters, symbols and alphanumeric values.
Onboarding users often involves issuance of a temporary password. Because these can be difficult and time consuming to create, many organizations use simple passwords for this step, inadvertently creating a potential security vulnerability.
The “Generate Password” action in PowerTools creates a strong password based on a set of input parameters, such as length, inclusion of both lowercase and uppercase characters, inclusion of numeric values, and the use of special characters (such as “*,$%^&#”), making it easy to create secure passwords on the fly for any application.
Title | Name | Type | Description |
Length | length | number | Number of characters |
Lowercase | lowercase | boolean | Include lowercase characters |
Uppercase | uppercase | boolean | Include uppercase characters |
Numeric | numeric | boolean | Include numeric characters |
Special Characters | special | boolean | Include non-alphanumeric characters |
Status | Title | Name | Type | Description |
Success | Result | result | string | Password |
Failure | Result | result | string | Error description |
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If your platform is not listed and it supports Open API (Swagger) extensions, import the API Definition document from the Developer Edition product on our Customer Portal at (look for the Open API link at the top of the PowerTools Developer API definition page). Invoke the desired actions in your app or workflow design tool, supplying values for the listed parameters. Refer to the developer documentation on the Customer Portal for details on input and output formats.
If you are developing a custom app, execute a RESTful POST operation to the /CountCollection endpoint in your application code or use the pre-generated client scaffolding from our Github repo at Be sure to include your API Key (Client ID) in the header using the “X-IBM-Client-Id” key/value pair. The body should be a well-formed JSON object with the parameter label(s) and value(s) in the specified format. Refer to the API documentation at for more information.
const request = require('request');
const options = {
method: 'POST',
url: '',
headers: {
'content-type': 'application/json',
accept: 'application/json'
body: {length: 12, lowercase: false, uppercase: true, numeric: true, special: true},
json: true
request(options, function (error, response, body) {
if (error) throw new Error(error);