
Setup & Configuration




Starts with String

Build workflows and apps that ensure first item in array equals specified string – for Microsoft Power Platform, Salesforce, Nintex and more.

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Split Collection

Build workflows and apps that split a single array into multiple arrays – for Microsoft Power Platform, Salesforce, Nintex and more.

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Sort Collection

Build workflows and apps that sort array of items in ascending or descending order – for Microsoft Power Platform, Salesforce, Nintex and more.

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Replace Items

Build workflows and apps that replace matching items in array with new value – for Microsoft Power Platform, Salesforce, Nintex and more.

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Filter Collection

Build workflows and apps that search arrays of strings based on keywords – for Microsoft Power Platform, Salesforce, Nintex and more.

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Ends with String

Build workflows and apps that ensure last item in array equals specified string – for Microsoft Power Platform, Salesforce, Nintex and more.

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Count Collection

Build workflows and apps that count items in a collection (array) – for Microsoft Power Platform, Salesforce, Nintex and more.

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Contains String

Build workflows and apps that check if any item in array contains specified string- for Microsoft Power Platform, Salesforce, Nintex and more.

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Contains Number

Build workflows and apps that check if any item in array contains specified number – for Microsoft Power Platform, Salesforce, Nintex and more.

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Collection to JSON

Build workflows and apps that convert a collection to a named JSON object – for Microsoft Power Platform, Salesforce, Nintex and more.

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Query XML

Build flows and apps that query an XML string using an XPath expression in Microsoft Power Platform and other automation platforms.

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Query JSON

Build flows and apps that query a JSON object using a JSONPath expression in Microsoft Power Platform and other automation platforms.

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Round Number

Build flows and apps that round a number to the specified number of decimal places in Microsoft Power Platform and other automation.

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Random Number

Build flows and apps that compute the mean of the squares of the deviations from the arithmetic mean of an array of numbers.

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Convert Weight

Build flows and apps that convert a value from one unit of weight measurement to another in Microsoft Power Platform and other automation platforms.

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Convert Volume

Build flows and apps that convert a value from one unit of volume measurement to another in Microsoft Power Platform and other automation platforms.

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Convert Temperature

Build flows and apps that convert a value from one unit of temperature measurement to another in Microsoft Power Platform and other automation platforms.

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Convert Speed

Build flows and apps that convert a value from one unit of speed measurement to another in Microsoft Power Platform and other automation platforms.

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Convert Power

Build flows and apps that convert a value from one unit of power measurement to another in Microsoft Power Platform and other automation platforms.

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Convert Energy

Build flows and apps that convert a value from one unit of energy measurement to another in Microsoft Power Platform and other automation platforms.

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Convert Duration

Build flows and apps that convert a value from one unit of time measurement to another in Microsoft Power Platform and other automation.

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Convert Distance

Build flows and apps that convert a value from one unit of distance measurement to another in Microsoft Power Platform and other automation platforms.

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Convert Area

Build flows and apps that convert a value from one unit of area measurement to another in Microsoft Power Platform and other automation.

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Convert Angle

Build flows and apps that convert the value from one unit of angle measurement to another in Microsoft Power Platform and other automation.

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Calculate Sine

Build flows and apps that calculate the sine value of an angle in Microsoft Power Platform and other workflow automation platforms.

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Calculate Power

Build flows and apps that compute the result of a number raised to a specific value with Microsoft Power Platform and other platforms.

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Calculate Modulo

Build flows and apps that calculate the remainder of dividing two numbers in Microsoft Power Platform and other workflow automation platforms.

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Calculate Min/Max

Build flows and apps that determine the minimum or maximum value in an array of numbers with Microsoft Power Platform and other platforms.

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Calculate Median

Build flows and apps that compute a median value from an array of numbers with Microsoft Power Platform and other workflow platforms.

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Calculate Cosine

Build flows and apps that calculate the cosine value of an angle in Microsoft Power Platform and other workflow automation platforms.

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Calculate Average

Build flows and apps that compute an average value from an array of numbers with Microsoft Power Platform and other workflow platforms.

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Verify Hash

Build flows and apps that generate a hash value from a string in Microsoft Power Platform and other workflow automation platforms.

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Validate Email

Build flows and apps that can determine whether an email address is valid in Microsoft Power Platform and other automation platforms.

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URL Encode

Build flows and apps that encode a URL in Microsoft Power Platform and other workflow automation platforms.

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URL Decode

Build flows and apps that decode an encoded URL in Microsoft Power Platform and other automation platforms.

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Trim String

Build flows and apps that trim leading or trailing whitespace from a string in Microsoft Power Platform and other automation platforms.

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Translate String

Build flows and apps that translate a string into a different language in Microsoft Power Platform and other automation platforms.

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Text to Speech

Build flows and apps that convert plain text or SSML into speech in Microsoft Power Platform and other automation platforms.

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Split String

Build flows and apps that split a string based upon one or more characters in Microsoft Power Platform and other automation platforms.

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Shorten Link

Build flows and apps that generate a simple, short URL from a complex URL in Microsoft Power Platform and other automation platforms.

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Replace String

Build flows and apps that replace one value with another in a string in Microsoft Power Platform and other workflow automation platforms.

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Redact String

Build flows and apps that redact a string containing sensitive content in Microsoft Power Platform and other workflow automation platforms.

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Join Strings

Build flows and apps that join a collection of strings in Microsoft Power Platform and other workflow automation platforms.

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Generate Hash

Build flows and apps that generate a hash value from a string in Microsoft Power Platform and other workflow automation platforms.

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Generate GUID

Build flows and apps that generate a globally unique identifier in Microsoft Power Platform and other workflow automation platforms.

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Encode String

Build flows and apps that encode a string using Base64 encoding in Microsoft Power Platform and other workflow automation platforms.

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Decode String

Build flows and apps that decode a string encoded with Base64 encoding in Microsoft Power Platform and other workflow automation platforms.

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Convert Case

Build flows and apps that convert string to upper, lower or title case in Microsoft Power Platform and other workflow automation platforms.

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Contains String

Build flows and apps that determine if a string contains another string in Microsoft Power Platform and other workflow automation platforms.

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Compare Strings

Build flows and apps that perform a comparison of two strings in Microsoft Power Platform and other workflow automation platforms.

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Rotate Image

Build flows and apps that rotate an image in Microsoft Power Platform, Salesforce and other automation platforms.

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Resize Image

Build flows and apps that resize an image using a variety of resampling algorithms in Microsoft Power Platform and other automation platforms.

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Flip Image

Build flows and apps that flip an image in Microsoft Power Platform and other workflow automation platforms.

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File to String

Build flows and apps that convert a file to a Base64 string with Microsoft Power Platform and other workflow automation platforms.

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Crop Image

Build flows and apps that crop an image in Microsoft Power Platform and other workflow automation platforms.

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Convert Image

Build flows and apps that convert images to different formats in Microsoft Power Platform, Salesforce and other workflow automation platforms.

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Stock Prices

Build flows and apps that get current and historical stock price information in Microsoft Power Platform and other workflow automation platforms.

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Market Index

Build flows and apps that get current and historical market index information in Microsoft Power Platform and other workflow automation platforms.

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Format Currency

Build flows and apps that prepend decimal value with currency symbol in Microsoft Power Platform and other workflow automation platforms.

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Convert Currency

Build flows and apps that convert decimal value from source to target currency in Microsoft Power Platform and other workflow automation platforms.

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Date & Time

World Time

Build flows and apps that convert a date and time value to a specified time zone with Microsoft Power Platform and other automation platforms.

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Format Date Time

Build flows and apps that display a date and time string in specified format with Microsoft Power Platform and other automation platforms.

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Date Information

Build flows and apps that get specific information about a particular date with Microsoft Power Platform and other automation platforms.

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Weather & Maps

Map Timezone

Build flows and apps that get local timezone information for an address or location with Microsoft Power Platform and other automation platforms.

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Map Image

Build flows and apps that display map images for an address or location with Microsoft Power Platform and other automation platforms.

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Maximizing the ROI of Low-Code Automation Tools
Unlock the potential of low-code automation tools to drive digital transformation and maximize ROI. Our whitepaper explores the benefits, challenges, and strategic framework for implementing these platforms, featuring real-world case studies from top organizations.